Saturday 25 February 2017

The Kitchen Table...

The Gods pink tinged thunderclouds throw a dusky light, onto the kitchen window, I sit in total complete silence.
I am the very essence of Kings and Queens, as well as desperation and utter poverty.
It hasn't always been this way, i of course had humble beginnings,  i was passed over, neglected and alone
As Earth's first tribes separated, to become villages then cites, then empires, i grew and became part
of something much bigger than myself.
I was at last gaining favour.
Even in the thinest hunted moonlight, i am radiant, on a blinding summers day, divine, the very stuff of our universe.
I will never become old, for i am the ruler of destinies, and total and complete ruler of war..
Nor can I be possessed completely, for those who have tried, their fates have been sealed.
 Yet There is compassion in me, not all that covet me are lost.
For I yearn to be tender, gentle, and giving.
As the now warming morning light hits the beautiful deep wooden table,
it slides slowly over me...
And i am illuminated, as if the very fire of the Sun lives in me.
I am your wedding ring..
Of the Earth's Purest Gold..
I Am Love...

Wednesday 22 February 2017

I Cannot Swim....

I cannot swim, i have never seen the ocean before this day,
i am crammed into a leaking vessel, with so many others,
i carry no possessions, no family, no water, no food.
too paralysed with fear to even speak, as we cannot even move in the slightest,
i shit in my pants.
We tumble on, in a darkening sea.
Every wave stops my heart.
I pray, and pray, my god does not hear me.
As the days pass, the will to live slowly seeps from my body,
my confused mind drifts back to a life long ago, i cannot think of such things, as the tears will not come, too weak.
The air itself is filled with human desperation, the merciless sun cracks our skin,
I think only of  a drink-water... water...
Others through the endless inky night, as madness takes them, slip over the side.
taken by the black waters, free at last.
A dot on the endless horizon..
I can now barely lift my salt crusted head, my eyes dimmed and glazed from sunburn.
though my heart still beats, slowly now..
We fall into the cold the vessel has broken up.
screams -devoured -silence...
the flailing of the water does not leave my head...
i cannot move.
the men carry me into a van, and give me water ,a blanket..
i sit in a mud floored ripped tent.
a barbed wire fence..
this is where i will spend the remainder of my days..
I think of those who slipped into the inky night water,
 they may have chosen a better fate..
for i am 10 years old and cannot swim...

Monday 20 February 2017


The grand Ancient tree that grew, towered, and prospered on this earth far before us, was aware of deep vibrations in the soil as it moved closer. Unlike the animals of the forrest floor, and the sky, that lived in and around its grand bulk, this sensation was different.
the sun was lost in shadow for a moment, as the vibrations became stronger.
As time was of no meaning to it, for it had lived from the very  beginning of time itself.
Snows-Storms-Rains-Fogs-All the four winds-A thousand Suns,
it welcomed them all, for this was harmony itself.
The Men gazed at the massive giant,
A true marvel- A Wonder-Breathtaking....
They started their Chainsaws.

A Very True Story

A deep hopelessness and fear seeped into the very walls of the small home. Her soul, as well as her body ached.
In the early evening light , she looked into the smashed mirror of the bedroom, this can't be me she whispered; swollen shut eyes, chipped teeth, cuts, and a nose pushed severely over bruises on side of her once proud pretty face. To hopeless to cry, she dropped to the floor, strewn with broken furniture, glass, clothes.
Her phone rang...
Hey baby, that you??
Only the sound of her own ragged breathing.
I love you, i just get so stressed out, the fucking boss, bills. you know.
Anyway, what do you do all fucking day, i do everything
Hey, you there, a low growl, a whispered ( bitch)....
The phone was where she had dropped it.
Shuffling out of the still open door, she faced West, walking into the first stars..
struggling to take a deep breath of the cooling air,
she didn't even look back..

Friday 17 February 2017

A true friend.

I think we both knew from the moment you were born, that we were meant to be together, so small and full of loving wonder, hugs, kisses, afternoon naps in  soft luxurious beds, and an abundance of playmates saw you grow, strong, proud and brave. Seasons spun their magic, years past, your life's memories enough to squeeze into a million . Time slowed, and so did you, as your golden thread came to it's end, you asked me not to be sad, in every butterfly, in every flower, in every leaf, i am watching over you, as sure as the soft spring sun warmed my fur....

5 PM....

The city was alive with the throbbing of humanity, running to nowhere in particular , the Autumn sun shone sharply, enhancing the over abundant technicolour foliage that still grasped the soon to be slumbering tress.  They Jostled-pushed-shoved-and grasped for positions on every form of transport, except their own feet. A single snowflake fell out of the clear sky, then a single flower, still they ran. Moments later a sparrow with a lizards tail swooped to catch a double headed moth, onward they scurried. the clocks slowed,
the sun dipped from the crisp sky, if any had bothered to look up from their phones, they would have now noticed that the setting sun had become two.....The sky parted.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Love By Any Other Name...

I stood side by side with a person that had been loving and kind to me, as the twilight became more profound, i asked them to pick out a star. They paused, pointed out a bright star low on the horizon, why they asked??, With tears in my eyes, and in my heart, i looked to them and replied, So every time the the night quiets the sun, i can look at that star, and know where to find you. And when my journey is at an end, i will join you.
Stories From The Human Ocean;

As most of you know, i buy and sell vintage..
I began writing just a few months ago.
We all have a story, some sad, some, simple, some unbeliveable.
All are what make us Human, no matter our colour, religion, or circumstances.
I endovur to tell stories, all true by the way, as a child would.
for they alone are the greatest tellers of truth on our very small planet
